I AM the Light of the World

His Light Always Conquers the Darkness!

Depression, failure, heartbreak – these are things that can darken our lives.  But in the midst of our darkness, Jesus declares, “I am the light of the world.”

His presence brings:

  • hope where there was despair
  • courage where there was fear
  • acceptance where there was rejection
  • healing where there was pain
  • freedom where there was bondage
  • forgiveness where there was condemnation
  • new life where there was no life

Lights always conquers the darkness – ALWAYS – but only if we choose to uncover it.

(Excerpt from The Seven I AMs of Jesus, page 77)

Please share your thoughts, comments, and stories below.

Please share what you’re discovering about Jesus, the Light of the World.   How does He bring light to your darkness?  How does His light give you direction for your life?

You can share how this I AM statement touches your life in some way, or you can share a piece of your faith story with us.  Also, please feel free to respond to the comments of others.

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